Cost of Delay Calculator
Calculate the value of investing sooner - Investing sooner rather than later could mean it costs less to reach your goals - as you can benefit from investment growth over a longer period. This calculator shows you how much more you might need to pay, the longer you delay your investment.
To reach your goal, you would need to invest...
In 1 year:
£0 more than if you started today
In 5 years:
£0 more than if you started today
*This assumes an underlying growth rate of 2.185% in real terms – which is 2.185% over and above the long-term estimated compounded rate of increase in prices (inflation) so you can see in today’s money what you would need to have now to achieve a similar quality of life in 40 years’ time.
Nominal sums would be significantly higher, but not so instructive for someone saving today.